
In life and business experience is vital. Real experience. You need Someone who has been in the throes of battle with everything stacked against them and won, someone who knows where the land mines are ahead of you and has the personal experience and vision to see you through. Someone who has vision, tenacity, brilliance and guts. Head knowledge and heart knowledge on what it takes to succeed and get the job done. A multiplier who can take your raw talents and skills and multiply them a hundred fold so you can enjoy new levels of success, freedom and prosperity you may not have realized were possible before today. Someone who has run and owned companies making hundreds of millions of dollars, someone who has won numerous business awards and has worked with presidents, Olympic athletes, celebrities, heads of state and billionaires.

Mr. Huhem has mentored thousands of Entrepreneurs and many high level business owners and CEOs and loves seeing the extraordinary results, personal transformation and increased profits that come from these intensely focused sessions. In fact it has turned out to be the best investment for most Entrepreneurs in that they have received well over a 100% return on their investment with Mr. Huhem. Having been a millionaire in nine different industries as well as an award winning investor and CEO of multiple companies, Mr. Huhem knows the challenges, opportunities and what’s necessary to succeed and set yourself apart in today’s rapidly changing world.

Corner Man

In fact for a few CEO’s and industry leaders, Mitch has become a “corner man”… A unique title that very few leaders can claim. This is a visionary coach/mentor that has been headlong in the fight, in the midst of battle and has scar tissue to prove it. He has succeeded against all odds and won. He has earned the right, been given the authority and has true life experience, intuition and know-how to deliver the toughest advice and steer you through the harshest of challenges to win, conquer and succeed in your own ring. He’s already faced the darkness, knows the battles and the sure path to victory. He’s the ally that every great businessman needs. Someone who cares but will tell you the truth and steer you straight. Someone who will make you tough, fit to lead the best and gain the highest respect and honor in your industry.

Mr. Huhem offers that valuable second opinion and discerning eye that can save you millions, make you millions and put you leagues ahead of the competition. He’s got your back and will help you step up to achieve your goals, make a difference and live life on your own terms – winning every step of the way! This is the navy seal business training for those of you who want to take everything to the next level.

There are two ways to experience Mentoring with Mr. Huhem. One-on-One and One-to-Many. Mr. Huhem is helping CEO’s, executives, business owners and individuals in a personalized way.

Because of the demand, Mr. Huhem is putting together a mentoring program that everyone can benefit from. If you would like more information that covers his Secret Success Formula Opt In Below….and we will get you on the mailing list. What you don’t know can seriously hurt your business. What you do know can make all the difference between success and failure. There are two ways of learning: mentors or mistakes. Choose the best and fastest path possible. Mitch will be offering these programs in English and Spanish. Because he speaks English and Spanish fluently he is well suited to a wide range of clients.

Group mentoring and masterminds in the future will include audios, videos, conference calls and books that will cover the following below. This is real business advice from someone whose been there and done it nine times in a row with great success. Mr. Huhem is the trusted voice of authority who brings all aspects of your business and personal life together so you are bulletproof and sure to succeed on your own terms. Some of the topics covered in six-month mentoring program.


Success blueprint
Secret habits of millionaires
Millionaire mindset
Dealing with adversity
Fluent to be affluent
Persuasion and elite communication strategies
Personal and business Branding
Fortune is in the follow-up
Structuring business
Priorities and front-line strategies
Hiring and working with “A-level players”
Multiplying profits
Multiplying your time
Millionaire marketing strategies
Speaking and Events
How to effectively win friends and influence people in greater ways
The look of success – how to stand out
Neuro-marketing – winning the Brain Game
Asset protection – how to do it on shore and become bullet proof
Inspiring success stories you can use to grow your business and life
Marketing secrets that create a 24/7 cash machine
Strategic partners – how to identify them, find them and do business with them
Best kept business secrets
Your submitted questions answered in group coaching calls

Check list of what Mr. Huhem offers private clients:
Private clients will have access to all general mentoring materials and also personalized business strategy sessions to really go deep and wide and have major transformation and maximum impact. This is “The 100 club” It is reserved for a few people who are ready to grow their business, time, life and relationships by 100 Fold.

Accelerated growth and profits
Insider secrets from the source
Specific detailed business plan
Corner man

Bulletproof asset protection
What you are not seeing that can kill your business
What you are not seeing that can multiply your business by 100 fold.