We hope you have enjoyed visiting JedediahMcClure.com
Business owners and individuals who would like to discuss business planning, fraud prevention, or would like for Jedediah to speak to their group or organization are encouraged to consult with Jedediah McClure in person or by phone prior to taking the next step. Due to busy schedules, private appointments with Jedediah are offered by phone or at his office in Sycamore, Illinois. Other locations are available by special arrangement.
Those of you who are starting a new business, bringing on a partner, or considering investing in a new venture and who would like to consult with Jedediah about risk management, due diligence, fraud prevention, or asset protection, please email the following: What is your business? What are your goals? Where is your business located? How much current revenue does your business do and what is your biggest need at this time? Email this directly and privately to Jed@JedediahMcClure.com